Sunday, February 02, 2014

London Day 3

Smee and I didn't make it to the gym in the morning. It was just too difficult to roll out of bed early enough after that food shellacking. Instead I decided to take the time to walk to Chinatown where I would be meeting up with Amandine. I was going to swing by Temple Church to see the effigy of William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, and considered the best knight ever. He's so famous that he featured in my kiddie history books and I had no idea why I'd never visited before given that his resting place is so close to Pooey and Smee's place. Unfortunately my plans were scuppered by the church being closed for services on Sundays. 
Instead I took a nice leisurely stroll down Fleet St. and I'll admit I've never noticed this Art Deco building before. 

My view upon reaching Chinatown. Holy crap, I've never seen it so crowded.

I've never seen so many white people here before either!

Awesome decorations though!

Amandine and I were supposed to meet at the pagoda at Newport/Gerrard Pl. but being a bit early, I quickly figured out that there was no way that we'd be able to see each other if we were both able to get in. Plans quickly changed to meeting at Piccadilly Circus and going to Shoryu for ramen.
The ramen craze has hit London hard and Smee had even told me that Shoryu is the best in Yumdon. I had the piri piri tonkotsu - spicy with the right amount of kick! Amandine had the classic.

We also ordered these buns and they were delicious but it continued the theme of being too full by the end. 

Just so!

We wandered around the shops and saw this pretty light display in Carnaby St. 

Our day together had a time limit though as Smee and I decided that WOULD go to the gym on Sunday evening! And we did! And we spent TWO HOURS in there! I was pretty sore the next day but it was a satisfying session. 

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