Thursday, March 02, 2006


I used to be so productive. Now I feel like I'm doing hardly any work (well, I AM doing hardly any work), but at the same time, people are telling me that I'm doing too much work.

But today all I did was...
8:30 - arrive at uni
8:35 - walk to Union to get my paper
8:40 - Safeway to buy a tomato and some orange juice
8:55 - walk to King and Godfree to buy a ciabatta roll and some bocconcini
9:05 - walk back to uni
9:20 - commence eating my breakfast of tomato and bocconcini sandwich with orange juice while reading paper
9:50 - go to lab, read journal articles
10:30 - leave lab for a walk
11:00 - commence reading articles with several phone calls
12:15 - leave lab to prepare for pilates class
1:10 - commence pilates class
2:10 - end pilates class
2:20 - eat lunch of tomato and bocconcini sandwich with water
2:50 - commence reading articles with phone calls
4:30 - pack up to leave the lab
5:00 - leave uni

Thats about three and a half hours of productive work on an eight and a half hour day.

And people say I'm working too much?!
I think I'll take an early night to compensate for all that work.

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