Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Hammer, The Spark, The Window

A bit of a change of pace in this entry. Those who know me and know me well know that I'm not single through lack of offers (there are some who go bar hopping with me know that no night is complete without some older guy hitting on me - Hi Mandy! :P). I am instead single through inclination. Part of this is no doubt due to my desire for *The Hammer*, as QQ calls it.

As much as I would like hammering (get your minds out of the gutter), I'm pragmatic enough to realise that it probably doesn't exist, and if it does then its not common so I will settle for *The Spark*. Although sparking still isnt quite common for me I think it did happen not so long ago, and so active person that I am, I took a chance on it. Due to things outside my control, the follow up to the sparking was delayed by a fair amount of time, during which I came to forget what it was that fuelled the spark in the first place. And while the eventual meeting was pleasant, the sparkage was decreased.

This then brings me to *The Window*. For sparkage to be truly successful, there is probably a limited amount of time for which to follow up. Windowing is a problem because you never know how long the spark stays alive. This is a pity because the window might be stopping the spark from turning into a hammer.

Get your mind around that last bit? Good!

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