Anyway, here's some more of my photography that no one understands and puts me firmly in the *geek!* category. This photo here (400x mag, oil) was an attempt to replicate some images published by Hughes and Chan-Ling (IOVS 2004, 45, 2795-2806 for those who want to check it out). It shows the expression of desmin, a protein present in cells that come from a smooth muscle background. In the retina, desmin is only present in pericytes, a cell that lines blood vessels. I've lost some of the detail in the compression, but I think you can still tell where the cell nuclei are supposted to be (its the blank-ish round bits!). I dunno about this though - while desmin shows up the cells well, I'm thinking I might have to try labelling for something like occludin which should show me where the individual cells are. Yeah? Yeah? Meh, you guys don't care anyway :P
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