Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Ready for more data?!

Sorry if it seems it's been a while since I wrote anything non-work related. I just seem to be doing a lot of stuff at uni and/or drinking with ppl from uni. Hopefully I will soon see Xmen 3 and get to reviewing again...but maybe not. Although having said that, I'm considering whether I should write a review of The Da Vinci Code book. Oooh, there's gonna be some controversial comments right there!!!

Anyway, here's some more of my photography that no one understands and puts me firmly in the *geek!* category. This photo here (400x mag, oil) was an attempt to replicate some images published by Hughes and Chan-Ling (IOVS 2004, 45, 2795-2806 for those who want to check it out). It shows the expression of desmin, a protein present in cells that come from a smooth muscle background. In the retina, desmin is only present in pericytes, a cell that lines blood vessels. I've lost some of the detail in the compression, but I think you can still tell where the cell nuclei are supposted to be (its the blank-ish round bits!). I dunno about this though - while desmin shows up the cells well, I'm thinking I might have to try labelling for something like occludin which should show me where the individual cells are. Yeah? Yeah? Meh, you guys don't care anyway :P

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