Monday, January 14, 2008

Well now...

Apologies to my regular readers (hai Pooey, Amandine, Lydia & Pooky!). You may have noticed that my blogging frequency has dropped off in the last few months from one entry every 1-2 days to every 3-4 days. The answer is quite simple. Work has taken over my life.

I shit you not!

It has suddenly struck me that I'm approaching the third year of my PhD and I have nothing that looks like being published soon. Curse the three pronged attack! So I've basically been a machine since mid-December. Even Erica commented on how much work I'd done when she got back from Xmas break! Then she told me to take a break and stop working so hard (w00t!).

Anyway, I will try to maintain my level of opinionated commentary. Unfortunately it looks like Awards Season is going to be cut this year so I may not be able to do any fashion commentary for a while dammit.

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