Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lost for Words

I like to read The Offside website which is basically about soccer/football. They have a daily entry called *The Daily Dose* which consists of what has been reported in soccer/footy that day on other websites. These entries are capped by a weird video from youtube or other video sharing website.

Usually I don't bother commenting about them, but today's video has just left me so gobsmacked that I had to put it here.

There is so much wrong with this vid - here's what I've managed to spot.
  • Monkeys racing on bicycles.
  • That this must be a common enough occurrence that they've built a mini-track plus stadium for them to race monkeys.
  • That they took the effort to train the monkeys to ride the trikes but the monkeys still ride out of the ring.
  • The trainers chasing the monkeys on foot.
  • The guy chasing down the monkeys and the trainers...on a unicycle.
Feel free to add more of your own!
I can't decide if this video is great or horrible. On one hand, there's a certain level of entertainment value. On the's monkey bike racing. I just..........yeah. This is up there with the lion riding the horse. Only in China?


blank said...

Oh my god! This is so beyond ridiculous I don't even know what to say. Those monkeys have skillz though!

Venice said...

What. The. F???

Lion riding the horse?? Are you serious?

Vanilla Bear said...

Best. Thing. Ever.