Monday, January 05, 2009

Strangely prophetic dreams

I wasn't going to put this on my blog but I've decided that, no, it is a totally blogworthy story.

A few nights ago, I was absolutely wrecked by the *holiday* programme of toiling away at uni followed by late night msn sessions. I ended up going to sleep at 9pm which is pretty early by anyone's standards.

I had a VERY bizarre dream. In it, I broke into a house. It wasn't a house I recognised and yet for some reason, my dream was telling me it was the house of Dr K's parents (although it clearly wasn't). They came home while I was there but I managed to escape before they caught me intruding. Unfortunately, I left my car keys inside the house so I had to return and 'fess up to breaking and entering.

Now here's where it got really weird.

When I came back, Dr. I-K was there. Fair enough, they're her in-laws. We had a short talk, at the end of which she very clearly, in my dream, TOLD ME TO WRITE MY THESIS. I remember resisting but she told me again to WRITE MY THESIS.

I woke up. It was 1am. I thought *WTF does that mean?!* So I got up out of bed, turned on my toshi and wrote for 3 hours. I went back to sleep at 4am absolutely buggered....but I got some writing done :D


blank said...

creepy! i'm pretty sure she has implanted a dream chip into your head, and now she can control you through your dreams. these things happen, you know.

Anonymous said...