Friday, December 31, 2010

Things You Buy When You're Alone - London/Munich Edition

One of the sad things about being in Munchen is that I've basically moved from being surrounded by people and sound to now being isolated. This has been made worse by Toshi dying *sniffle mourn mourn* but marginally better by TeeCee taking up the void - able to watch Youtube in bed, yay! 

When Pooey was alone, she bought herself a pair of Totoros while in Adelaide, and in the comments for the entry, she noted that she talks to them when she comes home from work, Castaway-style. I now have my own silent conversant to greet when I arrive home/sleeping cuddlebuddy - Pooh bear!

 Ohai Pooh! He's so happy after waiting for me to come home to talk to him.

Pooh was purchased at the Disney Store Oxford St. Giant (60cm?) Poohs were actually on special for 20 quid. I was so tempted to buy one to keep Normal Pooh company except for the sad fact that since I was flying Easyjet, I would have to check either him or my bag in as a piece of luggage. As I paid for Pooh, the shop attendant even said, "You know its the large ones and not this size that's on special?" Yeah, thanks for rubbing it in.

Later, Soph watched with a bit of amazement as Pooh and I conversed and bonded. Turns out Pooh is a bit vulgar (he burps and scratches) but I'm sure that away from the bad influence of the shopping crowds that will lessen with time!


SuBoo said...

I miss my bear :(

Unknown said...

i want to poke his bellly.