Friday, December 10, 2010

Things You Eat When You're Alone - Munich edition

Branching from Pooey's very highly entertaining mini-series (of sorts), I'm faced with the question of what to eat now that I'm alone. And the issue is compounded by the (relative) lack of access to the foods that I'm usually able to cook, equipment that I'd need to cook it, and cost/transport limitations.

Given that I didn't know what was available for me, I decided to pick up some basics at the supermarket. This included:
Olive Oil
Pasta sauce
Frozen chicken wings
And on the advice of the colleague who was with me, Spätzl (a kind of German noodle). 

With these basics, I was then able to make myself a fairly hearty dinner of Spätzl in a creamy mushroom sauce, kinda like the Jaeger schnitzl I had at Oktoberfest sans schnitzl.  

Yes, I know it looks like dog food but it was very nice and I had it for lunch as well!

For breakfast (Fruhstucker), I have myself some scrambled eggs with tomatoes and mushrooms (seeing a theme here?)

Made using the Gordon Ramsay method!

Now, Anya said that one of the things she missed most about Germany when she was in Aus was the bread. German bread is...shall we say...kinda hearty. And dense.

I'll admit, I got to calling my bread, "The Doorstop", it's that dense and hard.

Its the perfect bread for toasting and eating with cheese. Unfortunately, one of the appliances my place is missing was, believe it or not, a toaster. No worries, I could just use the oven method of toasting bread. Except there's no oven either. At this point, I decided to be a bit like Pooey and go bad.
That's right, I fried my bread for sandwiches. Awesome, but not particularly healthy.

Here's to more food adventures coming soon!


SuBoo said...

Maybe I should do a HK edition!

mallymoodle said...

Maybe you should! I think yours would be the best one though, so much cheap and high quality food...

Pooey said...

Yeah.. things you eat when you're alone in HK... EATING OUT!! On the cheap!!!

Easy to buy asian groceries too!

Pooey said...

Hmm i should devote an entire label to 'things you eat when you're alone'

SuBoo said...

I think you should.