Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dachauer Volksfest

Pooey reckons I spend all my spare time in Muenchen putting on my dirndl and going to bierfests. Well this past weekend I went to Dachau with the Spanish hombres to celebrate the town's Volkfest :P

You know what that means? 
1L of the local brew for €5!!! Or as Ruben pointed out, €4.90 + €0.10 trinkgeld (tip). 

Dachauer Volksfest is pretty much a smaller version of Oktoberfest, but the beer tents were just as big. Ruben and David went on Friday night and said it was packed full of people. We estimated that for the tent we were in, the Brauerei Schloss Dachau,  it could hold approximately 2000 or so people.  
The tent wasn't full yet.

The balcony. Just a note, blue and white are the colours of Bavaria

And being a beerfest, we all decided that we were going to wash down our beers with 1/2 a chicken. Each. 

The guys, Carlos, Ruben, y David

Me and Carlos with our awesome chickens,

The chicken after I was done with it. 

Summer has finally hit Munich and it was a 30C day meaning it was an outright sauna in the tent. And the problem with everyone drinking litres of beer when it only costs them €5...well, I'm sure you can fill in the rest. Good time thought, and a good practice to a certain party that's happening next month!

1 comment:

Pooey said...

Every beer festival is just a mini Oktoberfest.