Monday, February 27, 2012

A great thing about going to the gym


I went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer followed by some core work. Having finished that, I decided to try and do more work and so I hopped back onto an elliptical trainer when - hey ho! I realised that Futurama (auf Deutsch) was on VIVA. And not just any old episodes of Futurama - two of my most favourite ones, Amazon Women in the Mood and Parasites Lost.

Great thing is, I've seen the episodes so many times in English that I totally got the German translations and picked up some new vocab! Ich habe gesnu-snu!
Unfortunately I couldn't find the clips in German - luckily it also works in Spanish!


Spu said...

death by snu snu?

mallymoodle said...

I had snu snu