Sunday, February 12, 2006

Things I wanted to be when I was younger than I am now

(I was inspired to make this list while reading another person's blog)
In no particular order, just things I remember wanting to be and an explanation if I know why...

Roadrunner (he always won!)
Supergirl (she was a girl with superpowers, as opposed to Superman cos I'm not a boy)
A Conductor (oddly enough, I always seemed to be conducting Beethoven's 5th)
Police officer (they got uniforms and were allowed to stand in the middle of traffic and handle guns!)
Cardiac surgeon (after dissected my first heart - man, that's a declaration I regret making!)
Artist (always liked drawing and painting)
Author (always liked writing)
Opera singer (always liked the sound of opera)
Actor (the money top actors make is not proportional to the work they do. Who wouldn't want loads of cash?)
A trophy wife (Living in Paris, near Parc Monceau)
Princess (just like my name)
Ninja (they're cool)
Goddess (hey, why not?)
Fashion designer (I like clothes, but I hate a lot of modern fashion. Solution - design your own)
Librarian (I like books)
Anyone with a sword (swords are cool)
10 goal-handicapped polo player (thank you, Jilly Cooper)
Vampire (thank you, Anne Rice)
and finally...
Nobel-prizewinning scientist (you've got to have a goal of some sort :-P)

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