Monday, April 19, 2010

The irrits!

Because I'm a masochist, I like to think about things that give me the shits from time to time. Lately it has occurred to me that I hate digital SLR cameras. Not the cameras themselves, but I seeing lots of amateur photographers wielding around these huge black cameras and then see lots of photos which are pretty much just point and clicks.

By all means, if you're interested in photography and interested in how to take different types of photograph, investing in an DSLR is good stuff. But having an DSLR doesn't make you an 'artistic' photographer, it just means you have a camera with a fast frame rate and shorter time interval between when you press that button and the image being captured resulting in a certain clarity of image. Stuff that can be used to affect the image taken, e.g. framing, depth of field, or exposure time are all up to the photographer and rarely have I ever seen photographers alter the settings on their cameras. And no, holding the camera at an angle or having the object in an asymmetric composition does not equate to being 'artistic'.

This annoyance is probably due to being taught about various things like maximum white and black, usage of filters etc., and then encountering a blank look when asking a DSLR owner how to widen the aperture and increase the shutter speed.


SuBoo said...

Had = Hate?

Pooey said...

yeah, yeah, YEEEEEAAAAH Moo!! Me hate DSLR owners who are like that too!

Anonymous said...

You just don't GET it. When I tilt my camera I'm making a statement about the slanted perspective modern society takes toward my subject matter. Duh :P

Unknown said...

too true! the people who can afford these things generally dont have the time to learn how to use them (or dont see any point in it since they suppose the camera "does all that"). that, plus it's a time consuming process learning all the technical details on what you are doing. I had a desire to get one once, then i thought about it more and realised i would be one of those people that a) would not be bothered bringing it anyway-too heavy and b) i would never learn those technical aspects!!!!

Lynn said...

I hear ya sista! I TOTALLY me the shitsssssssssssssssssssss