Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Verbal diarrhoea...over?

Regular readers of my blog (Hai Pooey! And...er....) may have become used to me prattling on various topics several times a week.

Lately I haven't been able to think of things to write about. This concerns me greatly as it either means that
a) I'm not doing anything interesting/worth talking about, or
b) I no longer have verbal diarrhoea.
The first one is unlikely given that I'm involved in a mega-wedding throughout the duration of this month (no, it's not mine). But who would I be if I'm not prattling away on some random topic?! I would not be Mallymoodle, that's for sure :'(

Some of you may see the irony in this entry. All I can say is that usually whenever I write an entry similar to this, I get struck with inspiration for another entry soon, and thus, re-infect myself with the virus. Muhahahah!