Thursday, April 28, 2005

Things that are always good

The feeling of different materials (silk, cotton, cashmere, velvet etc)
Running your palm over a freshly shaved hair
Waking with the warmth of sunbeams on your legs
Biting into a hard apple and having the juice burst into your mouth
Hearing a song that you'd forgotten how much you used to like
A newly sparkling clean shower
Freshly tumble-dried clothes
Having the nape of your neck rubbed
The smell of baked goods
Wearing hot rollers
Any book that has sparkling conversation between the main characters
Laughing babies that smell like baby powder
Gelati on a hot day
Wearing really high, kick ass, f*ck you shoes
Being able to take those shoes off after wearing them for more than 6 hours
Rose petals
When expected packages arrive and you get to rip them open

I'll continue this another day!

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