Monday, March 12, 2007

Good gourd, I hurt!

As part of my quest to stick to my resolutions (the drinking one is going strong, the being nice one...less so), I finally decided to start learning something new - Brazilian jujutsu.

In hindsight, I probably should have checked out that link first because I thought I was doing normal jujutsu! As a description if you can't be bothered clicking the links, normal jujutsu involves stuff like joint-locking and blocks. In today's class, we basically started off sitting on each other, trying to throw them off, and then rolling them to make them submit. As someone who weighs about 55kg, I was thrown around a lot. We then had a period of free-sparring where we had to attack each other.

I was matched against a girl, Lisa, who wasn't very large, but still topped me by about 6kg and had a year of judo experience. She stated that she didn't like attacking so there were periods where we were circling each other cos I knew she could take me. This was interspersed with periods of furious grappling and me erupting into laughter whenever I found myself pinned (which was often). I seriously cannot remember the last time (if ever) I had ever spent trying to fight someone while rolling on the ground. This is what I get for trying to be a lady for the last 15 years - someone sitting on top of me and me being unable to kick them off.

I was going to put some photos of my bruises up for this blog, but I spent the last hour lying in a bath of Epsom Salts trying to soothe my various aches and pains. They haven't come out yet, but when they do, they will be spectacular! Lisa said after the class she wished she bruised as easily as me. Other injuries include a knee to the head (but its ok now!), my left knee looks like it's swelling a bit, while my right elbow is skinned.

I have no idea how I'm supposed to do normal gym training tomorrow.

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