Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Sydney - Part III

I was still crippled after waking up on Sunday morning, so I slipped on a pair of flats and stumbled out to meet Cousin Alix for lunch. We ended up going to Bill Granger's bills in Surry Hills. It was pretty good. In the spirit of Pooey, I took photos of what we ate.

Alix and his wagyu beef burger
My sweetcorn hotcakes with spinach, tomato, bacon, and avocado relish

Dessert - ricotta hotcakes! Yum yum!

As you can imagine we were pretty full by the end so we spent the next hour or two just wandering around the suburb. Then we got a bit lost. And then we found ourselves back at Central station so Alix took the bus back (it was pretty hot by then), while I stumbled over to Pooky's to pick up some stuff I left there teh night before.

Afterwards, I was supposed to meet Pooey's friend Paulie for drinks at Monkey bar in Chats. Since it was only going to be the two of us 'reformed drinkers', we both independently thought it was going to be a small night. That all changed when I got there earlier than expected and decided to try a drink recommended by Pooey, the Zubrowka Bison Grass with apple juice. She assured me it tastes like an apple pie - I just couldn't pass up that description. I was discussing it with the bartender just as Paulie came in - we all had a go of the drink, the bartender declared *Hey, it does taste like apple pie!*, I bought a round, and all plans for a quiet night went out the window.

In the end I think we did stop at our respective standard drinks limits...but we'd managed to reach the limit (4 drinks for me, 5-6 for him) in about two hours. Luckily Fei had come along for the last round and we decided she should drive his car back to her place while he sobered up. Alas, an awesome lightning storm started up while he was there. Then it started pouring. Here's a short vid of the storm.

It continued all the way into the night. The next evening, my flight home got delayed an hour because of the storm. But I wasn't bored - a very cute baby was playing with the ribbons on my suitcase and even called me *Mama*! But her mum wouldn't let me take a photo. Take my word for it - cute baby.

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