Wednesday, August 29, 2007

On Flight Entertainment

Well I'm pretty much packed and raring to go now except I can't decide what to bring to read on the plane. While I trust them to have awesome in-flight games/movies etc, if there's one thing I know about myself, it's that I can't sleep or play computer games for 15 hours straight. Not even bejeweled.

I originally bought Shantaram to read...but having packed now, I've decided that there is no way I'm lugging the 1000+ pages around with me. I figured I could always take two romances with me and chuck them when I'm done, but I tried that last time and ended up posting the books back because I enjoyed them so much. Well, I still have 24 hours left to decide what to do.

24 hours? WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Alice! Have a fantastic flight over (ughhhhh) - see you when you get to cloudy London!

peishapan said...

Read the Savage Garden - it's meant to be good and it'll be the next book I read! See you soon!