Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pushing Power Around

Seeing as yesterday was Tuesday gymday, I went to the gym. But I forgot to bring my towel along, something I only realised after I had done my warm up stretching. Seeing as it would be gross to use the machines without the towel, I decided I was too lazy to walk back to my office to get one and instead went to a yogalates lesson.

I don't believe I'll be going back, at least, not for a while. My criticisms are thus:
  • My usual Pilates class is ticketed to limit the number of people in the class to 30. I believe there would have been about 40+ people there. And we were using those black mats so space was tight.
  • Because space was so tight, I was stuck in the back corner and could barely see the instructor and the movements we were supposed to be doing. I just copied the people around me. The good thing that came out of this is that whenever I fell over, I was in the back corner XD
  • With my left ankle shot, I can't balance on that side very well anymore so I couldn't do about half of the poses.
  • (This is the kicker) The warm up was a thing where you stood with legs wide apart and slightly bent, moving back and forth from the ankles while waving your arms around, tai-chi style. It variously reminded me of someone I no longer take seriously (hai Pooey!) or shooting fireballs like in Mortal Kombat/StreetFighter/anime style. But I just could not take it seriously after the instructor yelled out:
*Imagine all that power you're pushing around with your hands!*
Oooh yeah, I felt that power almost course out of me in hysterical laughter.

In any case, it was an interesting experience. I think I might try it again in non-semester times if I can ever take the power pushing seriously.

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