Blog stats
I always wondered about who was reading my blog (other than the people I bully to read it), and finally decided to install a statcounter. I always assumed that people ended up here due to the various reviews I put up seeing as there's almost nothing remotely porn-ish here.
Not so. While most people are here for the reviews, some people who end up here are clearly on the look for pr0n. Although the search phrases are not really that bad (no where near as weird as this blog - moderately NSFW), here are some of the search phrases that have sent people here.
So yes, the most common phrase that people use to end up here is *awesome breasts* and I find that even more amusing when you put into consideration the first line of that entry. Otherwise people are turning up to look for information on Paullina Simon's Bronze Horseman Trilogy *sigh, Shura...* and the movie reviews.
Incidentally, to the people looking for slash fiction between Iker Casillas and David Beckham, this might be a better starting point. And for people looking for pants-free Yoann Gourcuff, try these links (possibly NSFW).
How do I get to that page on my stat counter? I can't find how people find my site, but I would really really like to know. Especially now since the map went all haywire. Also, LOL at Awesome Breasts!
So you have cultural people looking for Madonna Pomegranate painting, britpop fans, pervs (male and female) and movie buffs all flocking to your blog! LOL
NSFW? Gourcuff in his undies? Pshhh. You definitely need to find a different job. ;-)
Welcome Laurie!
Gourcuff in his undies is totally safe where I work - in fact I happily showed my female co-workers who duly appreciated!
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