Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Getting ready for Winter

I was pretty proud of myself the last time I was in London. Other than things I regarded as essentials (a pair of jeans, some thermals & toiletries), I didn't do that much shopping. But this time with Pooey's company, it was as if I was crazy buying stuff. A look at the weekend's damage to my bank account puts it at €300. Heheheh But I would like to argue that a lot of it was goodies to get me ready for this horrible, horrible Winter. 

So with a bit of help from my lovely model, Pooh Bear, here's some of what I bought!


A new coat! What you can't tell from this photo is that it actually flares at the waist - another Primmy win!

Primmy gumboot socks. The furry bits are supposed to sit at the top of the boot.

The skirt made me think very much of Bavaria, and the hat is from M&S

I love matching accessories (hey, I'm a certain type of girl) and M&S were full of those! Scarf and arm warmers!

I also love M&S glittens (gloves+ mittens). So many to choose from... 

Then we went to Uniqlo where I picked up a cashmere scarf in my favourite colour...

and some thermal shorts to go underneath that deer skirt!

I think this hot water bottle and woolen case also came from Primmy but I needed some jelly hand warmers to keep my hands toasty warm. Pooey had never seen them before and will take one home for Ma!

Pooey also brought me a snuggie in Stonecutter red. 

There are more things I bought but I decided to stop abusing Pooh by putting him in thermal shirts and more undies.

I hope with these things the Winter will be marginally more comfortable. I think I need to stretch some of my woolen jumpers though - I was looking at them and I think they've shrunk in the wash :S HOW WILL I FIT THE THERMALS UNDERNEATH?!?!

But I'll write the entries about what we did in Rundon as soon as I get some time!

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