Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In Rundon with Pooey (and others) - Day 1

When Pooey booked her ticket to return to London I decided that, despite having been there a month earlier, I TOO would hang out with her London! And so I did and we had an awesome few days as ladies of leisure without (much) care for money! At various adventures we were joined by various Meldoners. Here's a (delayed) recap!

First of all, despite swearing I would never fly with them again, I found it hard to resist their super super cheap prices and chose to fly Easyjet again. However this time I decided to take an earlier flight and so instead of wandering the streets of London at 3am, I arrived at Gatwick at the more reasonable time of 7:30pm-ish. I was happy! I'd arrive in the City at a reasonable time for dinner! And then, I saw the Immigration queue. *sigh* London City Airport is great because it's all business people meaning the *UK/EU* queue is a monster while I can happily skip to the *All Other Passports* line. Not so at Gatwick. I eventually made it out around an hour later, but it's OKAY! I managed to pass the time by reading Harry Potter on my Kindle. Seriously, that device has revolutionised my life. 

Pooey patiently waited for me at Gatwick and knowing that I've been suffering from a lack of Asian food, particularly roast duck, and people to share it with, she had decided that we should go eat a duck (and other food). The delay at Immigration and time taken to drop my luggage off meant that it was late enough for Smee to join us!

  It looks like we're doing a happy food dance!
We ordered (clockwise from left) umm...something with tofu, the DUCK!!!, salty egg battered prawns, rice, and kangkong. Miam.

After this, Smee and Pooey taught me their mint smashing game. Despite being an absolute novice, I wont because my misunderstanding of the rules meant I threw my mint directly at someone. This gave me extra points! When we got back to their apartment, Pooey showed me some of the goodies she smuggled into the UK for me. These were party pies (to be discussed later!) and a snuggie to keep me warm on my sofa during the hard Muenchen Winter. 

Being a two-headed monster Pooey's one :D 
She got me one in red. 

A good start to the funness that is a Rundon weekend!


SuBoo said...

Awesome 2 headed snuggie photo. I must say though they are quite gusty around the back when you get up and try to walk around in one.

Pooey said...

Yes, it's gusty, but this one is way too long to walk around with anyway.

Well you can walk with it, but you end up carrying the blanket in your arms.