Saturday, October 15, 2011

In Rundon with Pooey (and others) - Day 4

On my last day in Rundon, me and Pooey had a 9am appointment to look at more dresses but we were so early to Marble Arch that we decided to swing into Primmy for ANOTHER round! It was bizarre - it was the emptiest we'd EVER seen the store. Okay, it still looked like any other department store on a weekday but it made us think that the best time to shop there is clearly 9am on a Monday morning.

After this, we found a dress that might be *the* dress. Therefore I will not post it here but if people want to know what it looks like, post a msg and if Pooey gives the okay, I can email a pic to you :P

Believe it or not, after this we decided to go BACK to Primmy and the difference of 1 hour meant that there was actually quite a long queue to get into the changing rooms. It was, however, shorter than we'd seen it at many other times and so we joined in to try on some dresses. Then we ran around the city trying to find some last minute items (e.g. hand warmers), and beautifying moments. 

And then for the last few hours in Rundon, Poo and I gathered up Amy for one last quick shopping round and lunch before heading back to furiously try to pack everything. Good thing we bought me the luggage allowance on Sunday night because I went back to Munich with a full suitcase in addition to my huge carry-on backpack. And then to make up for getting me to London at a reasonable hour, my Easyjet flight back was delayed. A typical end to a holiday ;)

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