Friday, January 06, 2012

The American Store.

It has been with a fair amount of amusement that I have been watching something go on in my building complex. The *thing* was the opening of a store selling US products and where you could rent American cars - even Hummers.
The view of the store from my window.

I don't really understand why the store has opened there. Okay, it's a fairly residential area but even with the proximity to BMW HQ, it's not exactly a teeming bed of US citizens. Nor is it really somewhere to take a Hummer or Mustang for a spin given the narrow streets. *shrug* 

Regardless, I eventually did venture in, mostly out of curiosity. There were some shelves with boxes of pop tarts, Reeses pieces, Lucky Charms, and cans of various soft drinks and beers (HAHAHAHA, good luck selling those in Bavaria!). Now, I don't actually like most packaged American foods. But I was sorely tempted to get some junk food. The shopguy came over and talked with me (surprisingly, he was Cherman) and he informed me that not everything they'd ordered from the States had arrived yet. I'll check it out later.

Given I was the only one in the store, I decided to buy something just to chip in anyway - and as it turns out, help him figure out how to use his cash register - a childhood in a grocery store comes in handy again!
As Pooey said when I told her what I got, "But you don't even drink Coke!"

But yes, we'll see how it goes. And if I ever get a microwave and a hankering for microwave popcorn, I now know where to go!

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