Sunday, January 01, 2012

Year End Review!

What can I say after my first full year away from Melbs? It was one helluva rollercoaster! Sometimes literally! Overall, I would say the big changes led to some pretty significant professional and personal development and so this has been a damn good year. Really, what more can one ask for? If I wanted everything to stay the same, I would have stayed in Melbs, or I dunno, gotten married at 25. Hah!

Starting in January, I moved from Unterschleissheim into Muenchen proper and almost immediately developed hives and discovered the tenacity of the German hospital system. Maybe it was a sign because my flatmate in that apartment turned out to be a complete fucking psychobitch and I ended up moving out to my current place - but not before having an EPIC room cooling party to simultaneously piss her off while celebrating the awesomeness that is the Eurovision Song contest. At the same time, I was slowly coming to grips with the language by attending German classes and then realising how proficient I was becoming by buying foodOn the topic of food, I investigated German pastries, while also refattening myself up by eating a lot of hearty German cuisine. The quest to find good Asian food in Munich also continues! I'm enjoying it very much. 

Now that I'm living smack bang in the middle of Europe, there was a certain amount of travelling to other European locales. This included going to London, Regensburg, Leipzig, Potsdam, Salzburg, Berlin, Paris, LeidenAmsterdamBilbao, San Sebastian,  Warwickshire, London, London, and Paris. Believe it or not, when I started writing this paragraph, I was going to write that I didn't do that much travelling. But after going through the blog, I realised I have! I might have to stop going to London so often though in 2012...

Being in Germany, the language problems means I haven't seen as many films as I usually would in a calendar year. Having said that, of the movies I did see in the cinemas, there were two particular highlights - Midnight in Paris and Harry Potter 7b. God, I can't wait to watch all 8 Harry Potter movies in a row. Maybe the next time I'm stuck in hospital. 

And of course, it was a year of BEER/BIER and using bier to hang out with old and new friends!!!! Oddly enough, I don't appear to have written that much about drinking beer here. Maybe I was too drunk or hungover *shrug*. The beer year starts in Lent with the Starkbierfest (literally, strong beer festival) which was used to bond with the Amigos y Amigas from Deutschkurs. With the Summer months came hanging out in the beer gardens, particularly the one around the Chinese Tower in the Englisher Gardens. In August, the smaller towns around Munich started up with their beer festivals, before leading up to the biggest beer fest of all, Oktoberfest! And as we know, I visited again, and again, and again. It was highly educational!

And so, lets raise our beers to the end of a great 2011 and hope that 2012 is just as awesome! Or if not as awesome, at least lets hope it's as interesting as the end of days is supposed to be! 

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