Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Recreating comfort foods

I've heard it said that the cravings a woman has during pregnancy influences the child's appetite and my Ma has said that when she was preggers with me, she had real cravings for curry and other spicy foods. I'm not sure if that's true but this past weekend when I was looking at the random things in my fridge and shelves, I realised I (more or less) had the ingredients to make Viet curry soup!

Now, I've never actually made this before but I've seen Ma do it every now and then. So I started off by frying the wings with onion in yellow curry paste in the wok and then throwing it into a pot with water, coconut milk, and lemongrass. In a massive oversight, I realised I didn't have curry leaves so I threw in come chilis to make up for that. While the pot was boiling away, I cleaned the wok and then fried some chunky cut potatoes and eggplant (separately) in the wok so that they would hold their shape when I threw them in as well. 

In the end, the pot looked like this:
Errr....not very appetising.

But then I made a bowl with bean shoots, torn up lettuce, some rice noodles and the last of my hokkien noodles, and garnished with lemon and coriander and it was like being at home!

There are of course no quantities for this because it was all guesswork. Having said that, I ended up with 5 meals...that's enough for now. I think I will invest in some curry leaves just in case though. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks so good. my stomach is actually now rumbling!!!