Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Silvester Vorsätzen! (New Years Resolutions!)

Now that I'm into my second year in Muenchen and it's the new year, I may as well set some things to achieve!
  • Save money. I'm not burning through it but I'm not exactly saving a great deal either. Excluding things like rent, bills, gym membership etc., I will set myself a weekly budget of €100. This includes things like food/groceries, alcohol, and entertainment, and if I don't spend it all, it can roll over into the next week!
  • Ride my bike. I don't think I've ridden it since I got it...
  • Prune the friends from my FB account. 
  • Lose 2kg. I think I've put back on the weight I lost but since losing 3kg led to such a dramatic change in appearance, we'll keep it to just under that!
  • Ich werde mehr Deutsch sprechen! I've lived here for a year now and after moving with pretty much no (usable) language, I can understand when people are talking to other people on the phone on my behalf (thanks, Markus!). So now armed with German friends and colleagues, German flatmate, and German TV, I will start speaking more German this year. *nod* Let's just hope Fabi doesn't get concerned when he realises I'm talking to my TV in German!  

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