Friday, October 13, 2006

Non parlo bene italiano

Miss Soooleeeeeng and I have been taking italian lessons throughout the semester. The level of our language comprehension is debatable but I think our enjoyment levels are quite high. Each class goes for two hours (even though I'm usually late) with a break between the hours for italian-ish food to keep our energy levels up.

Every afternoon before class, we send each other the same IMs....
*Are you going to class tonight?*
*Man, I soooo don't feel like going*
*Argh, ok, I'll go*
*Was there homework?*
*Have you done the homework?*
*I'm not gonna do the homework* etc.
Regardless we always seem to turn up (well, apart from a few lessons early in the course), and we rarely do our homework although I do it with greater frequency than Soooleeeeng who never does it.

So what have I learnt after several weeks and $300 worth of lessons?
*Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo Alice*
*Dov'e la chiesa dei Frari?*
*Non c'e!*
*Giovedi, faccio pilates*
*Domenica, io faccio una torta, lunedi, noi mangiamo la torta*
*A che ora parte il treno? Il treno parte a mezzogiorno*

I don't know if we'll continue the lessons due to increasing demands on our time, but even though it looks like I only learn one sentence a week, the classes have been totally worth it!

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